Jesus Loves Us and the World Needs to Know

Of course, I am sure you know yesterday was Valentine's Day. I left a series of meetings in Texas to return home in time to be with my wife and our younger two children. As the plane landed I then heard the news about the horrific situation in Broward County, Florida. You don't need me to rehash the news story. However, I could not help but think about my son's high school and to identify with parents across our nation.

The psalm that got my attention after hearing the news and thinking of all those effected was Psalm 145:18, "The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth." 

I also thought about pastors in that community; pastors like Jimmy Scroggins who I have been able to get to know. Pastors, dads, neighbors - I am prayerful for all who are ministers of the Gospel and must deal with the all too obvious horrors of this fallen world.

As I think about Jimmy, I am thankful there are pastors and churches that point people to Jesus and His love for us because the need is obvious, and the times are desperate.

A few years ago, Jimmy developed what he called The Three Circles. I pray for South Florida, I pray for our communities back here, and I pray all-across America and around the world that people will realize we have sinned and forsaken God's design. We are broken. But, we can repent and believe. The Gospel of Jesus Christ tells us that The Lord Jesus came to save us from our sins, provides forgiveness, and the power to live life as God intended. The Gospel results in recovering and pursuing God's design for life.

May we be used by God to console the grieving, to confront evil, to comfort the confused and hurting, to heal the broken, to help the blind to see, and the dead to live. Thank You Lord Jesus for weeping over us, for paying for our sins, for providing the way to life and victory, for preparing Heaven for us. The world needs to know Jesus loves us - He proved it.


Your brother in Jesus,

Brian Autry


For more information on The Three Circles that Jimmy Scroggins developed go to:

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