Posts in Constant Contact
Revitalize! (Part Three)

Over the past few weeks I have shared highlights from some reading and study I am doing regarding church revitalization. I have had the privilege of serving on pastoral staff, planting and pastoring a church, and working with churches in times of transition and change. SBC of Virginia has been committed to church planting since our founding and we are now seeking to learn more and grow in our commitment to church revitalization.

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True Love - John 13

LOVE. What is true love? We say I love you in regard to our most sacred relationships and also in regard to our favorite flavor of ice cream. “I love you.” “I love baby back ribs.” “I love my wife.” “I love basketball.” “I love my kids.” “I love Krispy Kreme Donuts.” (Can I get a witness?)  It’s like the words “thank you.” You don't have a stronger word. English language is limited in many ways compared to others.  

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Constant ContactWebmaster
Share – Acts 18:1-11 

This Sunday is the Super Bowl, and one thing is for sure, when it comes to sports people are not shy. They share and celebrate their allegiance and devotion to their team. But, when it comes to sharing about Christ, sometimes we are fearful, neglectful, or unenthusiastic. 

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Constant ContactWebmaster
Care - Matthew 9:35-38 

And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Matthew 9:35–38 

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Constant ContactWebmaster
The Prayer of Jehoshaphat

Happy New Year. On behalf of the SBC of Virginia, thank you for your partnership in the Gospel. I’d like to share with you a few thoughts from one of my favorite examples of a leader praying in the Bible. There are a number of exemplary prayers in Scripture, but the one I am referring to is in 2 Chronicles 20, The Prayer of Jehoshaphat.

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Constant ContactWebmaster
Bless Every Home - Pray

Few Americans today say they know their neighbors' names, and far fewer report interacting with them on a daily basis. Pulling data from the General Social Survey, a recent report found that a third said they've never interacted with their neighbors. And only about 20 percent of Americans spent time regularly with the people living next to them.

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Constant ContactWebmaster
Worried About Sharks

n 1973, Spielberg was hired to make a movie based on Peter Benchley's novel about shark attacks called Jaws. The movie was so scary that even to this day millions of Americans panic when they get wind that a shark might be present in their beach area. A persistent shark phobia keeps people away from the beach.

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Christmas in July

Christmas is probably not on your mind today. With the heat and humidity, with kids out of school and trips to the beach, Christmas seems a long way off. However, SBC of Virginia churches are to celebrate Christ and share His Gospel all year long. Every season, every day is an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Christ in a lost world.

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Sticks and Stones...and Words

Remember the old adage, 'Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me'. One of the earliest citations of it is from an American periodical, The Christian Recorder, March 1862. I appreciate the sentiment, but words can do some damage too (in my opinion).

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