A Three Ring Circus?
(This message was originally published on February 21, 2013) The circus is in town this week. Just the other night I took my son to see "The Greatest Show on Earth." We sat on the fourth row, dead center. If the tight rope walkers had fallen, they would have landed on us! But, I have come up with a bit of a parallel I wanted to pass along to you - sometimes ministry and church can seem to be a three ring circus.
Sometimes it can seem that we walk a tight rope as ministers of the Gospel. Sometimes it can seem that we are caged in with tigers. Sometimes it can seem that we are orchestrating French Poodles to perform. Sometimes it can seem that we are getting ready to be shot from a canon. And so on...
Now, I don't want to stretch an analogy too far, but we have to admit that ministry can be a bit of a dangerous calling.
Some SBCV pastors have come across a resource you may find interesting. The book: Dangerous Calling...
SBCV offers pastor networks and fellowships all across our ministry area in locations close to you, as a way of encouraging pastor and leaders. We will also be building 'affinity networks' for pastors and leaders this year (example: bi-vocational pastors network).
My prayer for us, as we serve in ministry, is that on days when it seems church, ministry, and even life is a three ring circus, we'd be encouraged that we have a 'Ring Master.' The Lord Jesus is our Shepherd, He is Lord and Master. I just pray I won't be a clown!