It Is Not Too Late to Start Reading the Bible
My paternal grandfather became a follower of Christ as a senior adult. He heard the Gospel, and repented of his sins, and trusted Christ for salvation. A few years later, I was visiting with him at his home in North Carolina. He had a Bible sitting on his desk. He looks over at me and asks, “I was reading my Bible, and read that two and half Israelite tribes did not want to cross the Jordan but wanted to stay where they were. Why?”
The reason I share this family story is to illustrate a simple point:
It is not too late to start reading your Bible.
I have had numerous conversations with my Grandpa over the years. But it stuck with me when he asked me a question that came from reading his Bible. By God’s grace, he came to faith in Christ, and now is reading his Bible. No matter how old you are, start reading your Bible.
Pastors and church leaders can encourage Bible reading.
A number of pastors I know encourage the churches they serve with annual Bible reading plans. Promoting a church-wide Bible reading plan
- emphasizes God’s Word among the church,
- extends the ministry of the Word beyond the pulpit into their personal daily lives,
- encourages people to know they are not alone in their Bible reading journey.
Resources are easily available to lead people to read the Bible.
Bible reading plans are easy to find. If you have any problem, it will not be in finding a plan, but in picking a plan! But, do not over complicate the process. Choose a plan, point people to it, cheer them on, and walk together in the Word.
I pray that the Lord will bless the reading of His Word. By the way, go back and read Numbers if you want to see what my Grandpa and I talked about that day.
Let me know what your Bible reading plan is currently and how you are, or plan to, lead your church to read the Word. I would enjoy reading your insights. Currently I am using the Old/New Testament plan through the Bible Gateway app.
Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel. SBC of Virginia exists to strengthen and mobilize churches to make disciples and plant churches through gospel partnership. If we can serve you, please let us know.
Your brother in Christ,
Brian Autry