Like many of you, I have preached from the Book of Job. Maybe you have gone through suffering like Job. Perhaps you have been called upon to minister to those who have suffered like Job. I am thankful God blesses us with the Book of Job.
Read MoreWhatever your situation, a simple three-word statement, yet a profound theological truth – God is able.
Read MoreA little-known fact about me is that I was a wrestler in high school. The coach personally recruited me.
Read MoreThis Sunday, January 16 is designated as Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.
Read MoreLike many folks, I begin reading the Bible in a new year with Genesis 1. This new year I am reading the Bible chronologically as part of my devotional time.
Read MoreThis weekend and Christmas Eve many of you will be leading and serving in churches as we celebrate the Lord Jesus Christ. Perhaps you will have loved ones visit you, or you will visit them.
Read MoreThe fact is, we live in a world of hurt. Praise the Lord there are churches in this world of hurt. Praise our Lord Jesus Christ for coming into a world of hurt, for living a perfect life, dying a sacrificial death, being resurrected, and empowering his missionary church to proclaim His Gospel of hope in this world of hurt!
Read MoreAs Christian leaders we are inundated with news, decisions, and challenges. Nehemiah and Ezra must have felt these pressures too. Effective Christian leaders also need to be revived Christian leaders.
Read MoreMy admiration and appreciation goes out to Christian leaders. We should pray for one another and cheer one another on as we seek to follow Christ and also serve as leaders for Christ.
Read MoreIf so many churches in America are plateauing or declining, we must focus on church planting, but must also focus on church strengthening and revitalization.
Read MoreThe late Adrian Rogers was known to say, “Without the resurrection Christianity topples like a house of cards.” Praise the Lord, Christ is risen! May the Lord empower you to preach the Gospel boldly this Resurrection Sunday.
Read MoreThe leadership of Moses is legendary, and he is a hero of the Hebrew people. Not only does the Old Testament dedicate a significant portion of text with Moses as an involved character, but the New Testament mentions Moses as well.
Read MoreYou have probably heard many sermons from Joshua 1. As I read and study the lives of leaders in the Bible, I often come back to the episode of the mantle of leading passing from Moses to Joshua. Joshua witnessed the mighty work of God in and through Moses first-hand as his assistant.
Read MoreIn some reading I came across a condition I had never heard of before: “The Yips.” Just do an online search of “yips” and you can read about how traumatic and life-changing it is for those who once mindlessly, successfully did a task they ultimately found debilitatingly difficult to do.
Read MoreI know many of you are pastors and church leaders, and others are actively following Jesus. Today, I want to take a moment to encourage parents. For those who may not have children, like the Apostle Paul, you can have children in the faith and pray. For those blessed with children, you no doubt wrestle with worrying about your children. As a father of a twenty-one year old, eighteen year old, and thirteen year old, I find myself desiring to be prayerful for them as much as ever. We are not perfect parents, but we can be prayerful parents.
Read MoreFirst of all, on behalf of the SBC of Virginia, thank you for your partnership in the Gospel. Over these past months, ministry (although faced with unforeseen challenges) has, and is, taking place. Churches are revitalizing, pastors and church planters are pressing on, leaders are sharing ideas and encouraging one another, students are preparing for ministry, and missions is continuing in the midst of a global pandemic. But this is a challenging time to lead.
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